5 Reasons Australian Organic Skincare Is So In Right Now

5 Reasons Australian Organic Skincare Is So In Right Now

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Blame Miranda Kerr, but ever since she launched an Australian organic skincare company that used unique and exotic plant-based ingredients (noni oil anyone?) the beauty space changed forever.

Walk into any retailer like Sephora or David Jones and it’s not even a generalisation to say that a year or two ago, organic skincare was niche, often hidden away in a corner of a store or discoverable only via deep dive, refined keyword search online.

But in a very short time the beauty industry has pivoted for the better. With the emergence of  ‘clean beauty’ (aka no toxins or chemical ingredients), the need for natural alternatives has seen a movement inspired by plant-based organic skincare and sunless tanning products that use ethically and locally sourced organic grown ingredients only.

As ELLE Australia puts it, “Over the last few years, natural beauty products have come into their own. These days, it's not just markets or boutiques that stock natural, organic and vegan products —beauty counters boast a range of high-end buys that are toxin, paraben and chemical-free, making the natural [and organic] beauty movement more accessible than ever.”

So, why the hype? Well, aside from the wellbeing benefits a clean beauty approach to your daily skin care routine  (for more talk on toxins click here) by investing in Australian organic skincare you are also supporting local business to thrive, investing in sustainable and certified ethical practises and buying into natural and organic botanical ingredients from your home soil.

To understand the Australian organic skincare scene better, Three Warriors spoke with co-founder Daniel Franks of The Day Ahead, a leading e-retailer helping redefine the beauty space by bringing Australian owned only beauty brands to consumers.

Daniel shares just why A-Beauty (Australian Beauty) is in right now and why we’re returning to our roots, choosing Australian organic skincare and loving using botanical and plant-based ingredients from our home land.

Why do you think A-Beauty has become so big in the beauty industry right now?

“A-beauty is big right now because it places emphasis on health, sustainability and a low-fuss approach to skincare and beauty.”

“The trend towards wellbeing and self-care is very much aligned with the principles behind A-beauty and Australian organic skincare. People are looking for beauty and skincare that is health-oriented. I also think people are craving little moments when they can switch off from the world and take care of themselves without it being a complicated exercise.”Organic Skincare“One of the reasons A-beauty also sits apart from products that are from other countries is the connection to the Australian land and lifestyle. Like a good wine, Australian beauty is connected to place. The brands themselves come from such a wide variety of places and the founders have such amazing stories. Added to this is the diversity and potency of native Australian ingredients.”

As a retailer that stocks Australian organic skincare brands, why is it an important pillar of your brand ethos?


“It’s the core pillar of our brand because we believe Australian organic skincare has so much to offer. We started The Day Ahead to promote A-beauty as a category that focuses on quality local products that are good for us, use ethical and sustainable practices and deliver results. Everything we do as a brand works towards growing the A-beauty category as something people truly love and seek out.”


5 Reasons Australian Organic Skincare Is In Right Now:

  1. It’s aligned with kind beauty

“Interest in A-beauty has developed as Australian consumers have started to perceive locally made products differently. There is a growing appreciation for the care and thoughtfulness of Australian beauty brands and the quality of products available here, as well as a genuine connection to Australian native ingredients. In a nutshell, Australian organic skincare is helping refocus the conversation onto health, wellbeing and being kind to the environment.”


  1. It’s not complicated

    “A-beauty makes having an organic skincare routine really accessible. I love the uncomplicated approach to skincare and always look for products that have thoughtfully considered how to incorporate organic ingredients that are truly effective. Because when something is organic but doesn’t work it can seem like a bit of a green-wash.

    Psst... rest assured Three Warriors organic tanning products will give you a genuine glow, that’s a promise!


  1. It’s good for you, good for the planet

    As we become more educated on the detrimental impacts of certain ingredients, including toxicity of chemicals and adverse health effects, it’s important to consider organic because it means a natural move away from harmful ingredients that could impact our health now or in the future.”

    “Organic skincare involves looking at the entire supply chain, so organic not only means less harmful chemicals in the production process but is also better for the environment. Utilising organic ingredients has a double impact in that it helps us and helps protect the environment, something which we think of as so tough, but in many ways is quite fragile and needs our stewardship.”

    Note: Three Warriors is Certified Organic, Cruelty-Free, Certified Vegan and Australian Certified Toxic-Free.


  1. It includes loving your body from the inside out

    “In A-Beauty there is definitely an exciting trend now towards understanding how ingestibles and understanding the connection between gut health can optimise skin. This is something that is only going to continue to grow and develop. It’s not necessarily new science, but in the Australian beauty space  it’s becoming bigger and more sophisticated.”

  1. It promotes the plant based magic of mother nature 

“We are just starting to discover the incredible range of native ingredients we have here in Australia.”

‘For example, A-beauty brands are now using ingredients such as Kakadu plum and Desert lime. Kakadu plum has long been used by First Nations Peoples for generations because of its natural antibacterial properties, it’s potency as one of the richest sources of vitamin C in the world and it’s brimming ellagic acid levels (known to fight collagen breakdown, wrinkles and inflammation). While  Desert Lime is a fruit that contains high levels of vitamin C and is packed with calcium and folate.’
“So, as the A-beauty and Australian organic skincare category matures and brands become more sophisticated, I believe we are only going to keep uncovering a whole array of amazing beneficial ingredients right here on Australian soil [and] as a result, continue to push for higher standards across the global beauty industry, cementing A-Beauty products as the leaders of the pack, not just here but around the world.”

Fun fact: Three Warriors tan uses Tasmanian Olive oil hand pressed from local women in Flinders Island and chamomile extract, a natural anti-inflammatory and stress reliever.
Natural fake tan

As a plant-derived natural and organic sunless tanning brand, Three Warriors is proud to be an Australian organic skincare brand working with The Day Ahead to spearhead the A-Beauty movement and make kind, clean and organic beauty the new mainstream.

For more on plant-based ingredients and to shop our organic tanning range, see our Three Warriors Tan collection here. Back to Blog
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